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In Bulgaria, too, the turtles are found in very different habitats. In some places along the Black Sea coast you can still find quite considerable populations of the Iberian and Greek tortoise and also areas in which both species coexist. However, many habitats in the immediate vicinity of the sea are island habitats, which are surrounded by large agricultural fields, towns and holiday complexes on land.
A stretch of beach where only Testudo graeca ibera occurs. The turtles live in a narrow strip of bush in front of a steep slope. The adjoining sandy beach, which is overgrown with low annual plants in spring, and even the strip of sand right by the sea, is actively used by the turtles.
The young live in the thick grass directly in front of the bush.
"The Turtle Dune"
"The turtle dune" and its wider area has been known since 2013 through guided turtle tours. We were on the Black Sea coast in the spring of 2013 and also observed and photographed turtles in this dune. The animals live in the border areas of the interspersed, small forests of tall oak with an extensive undergrowth of butcher's broom, which are overgrown with dense hornbeam and hop beech stands. The dune itself is relatively sparsely overgrown, which is why active turtles can be spotted relatively easily at the right time. On May 16 and 17, we took photos of a total of 72 turtles. 29 Testudo hermanni boettgeri (15 females, 5 males, 3 semi, 6 previous year's hatchlings) 43 Testudo graeca ibera (21 females, 9 males, 5 semi, 8 previous year's hatchlings) The male / female ratio is of course not representative, but merely due to chance. Tesudo graeca ibera in particular was colored strikingly differently. Some light color variants looked confusingly similar to the nominal form Testudo graeca graeca.
Pond turtles live in the surrounding waters.
"The Turtle Dune"
"The wind farm"
Another island habitat close to the sea, surrounded by large fields, in the middle of a wind farm. There are also guided turtle excursions here.
A river valley inland. A larger population of Testudo hermanni boettgeri lives here. As in all habitats, the individual animals are colored and drawn very differently.
A river valley inland. A larger population of Testudo hermanni boettgeri lives here. As in all habitats, the individual animals are colored and drawn very differently.
Young animals in the scrub.
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