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Welcome to the Testudo farm

I am very happy that I have finally succeeded in revising my aging homepage and bringing it into a more contemporary form. 25 years is a proud age for a homepage, but these years have passed incredibly quickly.
The keeping, breeding, rearing and nutrition as well as the way of life of the European turtles in the wild, I have described in great detail in my books during these years. For this reason, these topics will only play a subordinate role on the Testudo farm.
In the future, the focus will be on Mediterranean nature and the turtles that still live there. Little by little I will introduce all European countries where turtles are found and publish interesting details.


I hope you enjoy browsing and looking at the many pictures from the great outdoors and continue to enjoy your turtles.


Good books with first-hand information are valuable guides and welcome gifts for any turtle lover.

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Thanks to the Internet, anyone can now create a homepage and publish everything that is sensible and nonsensical on it. Therefore, question everything and get an idea for yourself whether one or the other piece of advice really complies with the natural one  and species-appropriate keeping of an endangered wild animal. 

Unfortunately, some webmasters have little experience of their own, insufficient specialist knowledge and therefore copy "their findings" from other websites without checking.

Naturnahe Aufzucht
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